Rezoning Proposal at
3352-58 W. Foster
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***Update: The City Council Committee on Zoning approved this change on July 18, 2023.***
After a long process, much deliberation, and four community meetings, the Association has communicated its non-objection to a proposed zoning change at the northeast corner of Kimball and Foster. See our most recent statement on the matter here.
The owner of the properties at 3352 - 3258 W. Foster (the northeast corner of Kimball and Foster) intends to build a new structure at that location with commercial space on the first floor and rental apartments on three-and-a-half stories above. He is seeking a zoning change from B1-2 to B3-3 as well as "TOD" status (Transit Oriented Development). The Hollywood-North Park Community Association convened four public conversations about this proposal, which will ultimately be decided by the City Council's zoning committee.
Minutes and video from our Quarterly Meeting on May 25, 2022 (relevant segment begins at 27:00)
Minutes, video, and slides from the Community Meeting on June 15, 2022.
Minutes and video from our quarterly meeting on December 8, 2022(relevant segment begins at 28:20).
Video and a detailed presentation at a special zoning meeting on February 22, 2023.
In July 2022, the Association opposed the zoning change as requested. Our letter can be viewed here.
By early 2023, all businesses at this location except for one had already left or announced decisions to leave. Additionally, the property owner had addressed some of the concerns about design. We withdrew our objection in this letter from March 2023.