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Watch the video to review our accomplishments in 2024!

HNPCA Membership

A community association only exists because it has members. Your membership makes our civic organization possible.

Member Benefits

Individual, student, employee, and business/institutional memberships each consist of one voting member; a family membership consists of two voting members. Membership is based on a January 1 - December 31 fiscal year.


Members of the Hollywood-North Park Community Association receive

  • a regular digital newsletter with updates about community issues and projects

  • the right to vote on topics put before the membership

  • the chance to shape organizational priorities on an annual basis, and

  • the ability to select members of the Board of Directors on a 2-year cycle.

A business or institutional membership offers the following additional perks:

  • priority placement in the neighborhood business directory on our website (5,000 unique visitors a year),

  • 5 dedicated posts per year highlighting your business on our social media (>1,200 Facebook followers), and

  • for restaurants, inclusion in our #NorthParkEats social media campaign.

Member Dues

  • $10 each year for a student/youth membership (14 or older)

  • $20 each year for individual or employee membership

  • $35 each year for family membership

  • $50 each year for a business or institutional membership

All membership payments received today will be put towards a 2025 membership, which lasts from January through December.

Click on the link above to make an online payment.

The link above will take you to a membership form that you can print and send in with your check.

© Hollywood-North Park Community Association.

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